Our primary goal is to have content that would make your learning enjoyable. If by any chance you are not satisfied with our services after buying the course please email us at

Kindly note that you can watch the promo video, preview the content, and read the description of a course or collection before purchasing. If you are not satisfied with the purchase, please email us on same day and we will get back to you at the earliest. On further verification from our end we will initiate a refund. Any request raised after day of purchasing of the course will not be entertained in any condition.

How do I request for a refund?

Kindly reach out to us at Please mention your registered email, phone number and reason of cancellation in the email. We will get in touch with you to initiate the cancellation and refund process.

When do I receive my refund?

If you are eligible to get a refund, we will refund your amount within 7 working days.

If you need more information about the policy kindly contact us.

If you are eligible to get a refund, we will refund your amount within 7 working days.

If you need more information about the policy kindly contact us.